Thursday, October 31, 2013

Taking a breath ....

New school year brings a lot of excitement.  New curriculum,  new supplies, and new adventures.  We hs moms struggle with am I doing enough, are there holes in their education?  I am discovering that by encouraging her ability to learn and desire to find the answers, if she has any holes when she discovers them she can fill them. 

I want to visit about tracking today! How do you track and keep up with what is going on in you school?  In the past I have always, they are stacked up on a shelf, made a book and spiral bound it.  Designed some of my own tracking pages, borrowed some, and edited others coming up with new forms. It had grade sheets, attendence, field trips, schedule,  and others.  It was a huge project that I would lock my self in the craft cabin and produce the best organizer I could.  UNTIL I found a wonderful little App for my tablet.  Yes, they have an app for that.

It is called Homeschool helper.  They have developed one for the ipad and the android, but tablets (pads) only, not for phones.  There is not enough real estate on a phone.  The app trackes grades progress reports and you can even email (the bigger kids) their lessons for the day, week, or whatever you want.  My 9 year old feels so grown up and responsible to recieve emails and to plan her time, learning time management,  get things accomplished.  Kind of sad because she doesn't need me so much, but glad she is becoming a responsible young lady. 

Hope this helps, and have fun tracking their school career. 

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